What is Sea Moss?
Sea moss is a type of seaweed that can be found near the coastlines in North America, Europe and Caribbean Islands. It is red or purple in color and grows in the oceans or sea floor. The sea moss gel can be used to thicken foods such as soups, smoothies and ice cream. Consuming sea moss can help speed up recovery from wounds, burns and infections due to its antibacterial properties. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in sea moss are great for your hair, skin and nails
Sea moss is a type of seaweed also known as Irish Moss, Bay Moss or Sea Weed. It is found near the coastlines in North America, Europe and Caribbean Islands.
Sea moss is a type of seaweed also known as Irish Moss, Bay Moss or Sea Weed. It is found near the coastlines in North America, Europe and Caribbean Islands. In Ireland it's called "Irish moss" due to its popularity with the Irish people who used it as an ancient food source for many years. In other parts of the world it's called "Nori" because it looks like Japanese nori (seaweed sheets).
The plant grows on rocks or other hard surfaces near shorelines at low tide levels so that when high tides come in they are not covered by water anymore. It has long thin stems that branch out into small clusters at their ends where they attach themselves onto whatever surface they're growing on by means of tiny suction cups called holdfasts which look like white dots sprinkled all over them
Sea Moss grows in the oceans or sea floor and is usually red or purple in color.
Sea moss is actually a type of seaweed that can be found in the ocean or sea floor. Seaweed is a plant that lives in the ocean or sea and typically has red or purple colored pigments. As you may have guessed, it’s not as pretty as regular moss!
The sea moss gel can be used to thicken foods such as soups, smoothies and ice cream.
With its neutral flavor, sea moss gel can be used to thicken foods such as soups, smoothies and ice cream. It has the same thickening power as cornstarch but without the unpleasant aftertaste. You'll also notice that it has a creamy texture that lends itself well to any recipes that need to be thickened.
In addition to being an excellent alternative to cornstarch or flour, sea moss gel is free from gluten, making it a great option for those who follow a gluten-free diet.
Consuming sea moss can help speed up recovery from wounds, burns and infections due to its antibacterial properties.
If you've been wondering if sea moss is safe to eat, the answer is yes. Sea moss is rich in iodine, which is important for the health of your thyroid gland and can help combat infections and reduce swelling. It can also prevent goitre (a swelling of your thyroid gland), and it's good for your hair and skin.
Sea moss can be consumed fresh or dried as a tea or supplement. If you're using it as medicine, talk to a doctor before consuming more than one cup per day.
The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in sea moss are great for your hair, skin and nails.
The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in sea moss are great for your hair, skin and nails.
Vitamins are essential for the growth and repair of all parts of your body. Antioxidants protect against damage caused by free radicals – substances produced during normal cell activity that can damage cells if they’re not controlled properly. Free radicals can cause disease or premature aging so it’s important to have an adequate intake from food sources such as fruits & vegetables
It is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can be used on the skin to improve its elasticity and texture. If you have sensitive skin or acne prone skin then it's best not to use any products containing sea moss because they may cause irritation if your skin isn't used too them yet.